Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia

got div. 04 with jiont cutody as ex being main custodian,she has moved around on numeruos occasions,in June 2010 moved from GA to KY with son to be with new husband thats in militery got stationed their ,its not been 6 months now she is moving back,he's deployed to serve out of country 1 yr and she is pregnant with their second child,my son does not wich to live with mom and step father he tells me he hates it,moving has cuased him to loose friends and schoolwork is not doing well,how do I get stability in his life for she came from broken house with mom that was married 4 times and moved all over ,now same pattern is being followed by her and our son is one suffering.I have bent over back wards to try to make his life stable and secure.made drive's to KY to see him and take him back she is using him as leveradge tool and its affecting our son.He had run ins with stepdad and has been spanked by dad twice and each time that he wanted to call me in regards to mater they would not allow him untill 2 to 3 day's had passed.Son is not happy in inviroment he is in and it's cuasing major term oil ex even tld him that she is considering taking him for counceling.Need answers for son is my life and cant stand seeing him so sad .

Asked on 12/02/10, 5:39 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Glen Ashman Ashman Law Office also dba Glen Ashman Attorney

If you want to get "answers", hire an attorney. You'll need one for a custody dispute.

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Answered on 12/07/10, 6:05 pm

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