Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia
i dont know what to do or what to expect i guess im scared
i guess my question is a learning experence. i'm a 35 year old woman ive been married 10 years. i have 2 kids only 1 is his. i know i want a divorce ive been unhappy for along time. but he telling me that if i leave him he will get our son. question #1 is will the state of ga give him custady of our son. his reason is because his job he makes around 6 figures a year plus he works for the federal goverment. he also says that he will get custidy because he can put our son through private school. when we got married i had a good job i take care of elderly people at there homes. he didnt want me to work so i had to give it up. im a good mother i just cant imagein losing my son. would a court give him custidy based on the facts i stated? also i would like to find out about separation what could i do to make him move out of our house atleast until we go to court? i havent worked in 10 years is there any way to get a lawyer that he has to pay for? last question is he is a computer pervert he is a member to alot of porn sights. he also chats alot in chat rooms. does the state of ga consider internet dating a form of adultry? i mean he spends alot of money plus alot of time atleast 6 hours a day. please help if u can thank you
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: i dont know what to do or what to expect i guess im scared
You have many questions that need to be answered by a in person meeting with an attorney. But I will try and answer your concerns as best I can in this format. 1) Who gets custody of a child is up to the court. The court will look at all of the facts and decide. There is no way to determine how a court will decide without knowing all the facts and circumstances. 2) You can seek a legal separation that will determine who lives where. 3) Your husband's actions would be considered in regards to the custody issue, but it probably not affect the divorce itself. It would not be adultery.
If you would like to discuss any issues further, please feel free to contact my office. My contact information is below. Thank you.
The foregoing is general information only, not specific legal advice. No attorney/client relation has been created or should be implied.
Glenn M. Lyon, Esq
MacGregor Lyon, LLC
Promenade II
1230 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 1900
Atlanta Georgia 30309
Phone 404.942.3545
Fax 404.795.0993
Re: i dont know what to do or what to expect i guess im scared
I doubt he would be given custody based on what you have stated. However, you should consult with a local attorney since this is a complex issue.