Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia

My fiance pays way to much for childsupport,he has the kids 4weeks in summer and every other weekend. He has no money left to live on, or supply food for kids when they visit. How can we get this reduced so he can survive?

Asked on 5/31/11, 4:50 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

To put it bluntly, he needs to discuss the issue with his lawyer. You need to stay out of it. There is no "we" at this point.

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Answered on 5/31/11, 4:53 pm
Glen Ashman Ashman Law Office also dba Glen Ashman Attorney

He needs to sit down with a lawyer and determine if his actual numbers support modification and then weigh the cost of filing, which can be substantial, versus the possible benefits and risks (since a petition could also trigger an increase).

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Answered on 5/31/11, 4:59 pm

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