Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia
My husband and I are getting a divorce. He wants to take a restraining order out against someone i am seeing, so that he cant see my children. This man and i have had some issues, but he has never laid a finger on me or my children. In fact he has been good as gold to them. My husband says if i go through with the divorce he will file the restraining order. Is this his way of trying to keep me from divorcing him? Or to make sure I cant see the person i am involved with any longer? What do it do?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Your husband can't just go and "get" a restraining order. He can ask the court to grant one, but you and your friend will have the opportunity to show the court why one should not be granted. Consult with a local attorney.
You shouldn't be seeing someone during the divorce, so discuss that with your lawyer.
Bear in mind also that someone "wanting" an order and getting one are two different things, so discuss that also with your lawyer.