Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia
We live in Texas and my husbands daughter and ex girlfriend live in Georgia. We started off fighting for visitation and are now leading to fighting for custody. Three problems exist. First, in Texas she alleged domestic abuse regarding her and sexually abuse regarding the child. All were overturned. I forgot to mention that she has borderline personality. Second, the child is eleven and afraid of her mom. Third, her personality is such that no one wants to help for fear of retaliation. Should we try to prove her unfit? Everything we try with a person like her, we always end up trying to defend ourselves. She is great at diverting attention from herself. Is there an emergency petition we can file?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You talk about "we" but you are unrelated to the child and have no rights whatsoever.
Your husband, if he seriously wants custody, already has hired a lawyer, as pro se petitions rarely go well. He should follow the strategy that his lawyer, after reviewing all the details no one here has, suggests is best.