Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia

Two Questions:

Is it considered Abandonment if a man (or women) leaves the house (with two kids under16) to stay with another family member for a short period of time due to a verbally hostile partner/ spouse?

Can I jeapordize losing my house if I left if for a short period of time, and have been the primary "breadwinner"?

Asked on 11/29/10, 12:28 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Phillip M. Cook Cook Legal Services, LLC

An attorney would need a lot more information to answer these questions. How old (specifically!) are the kids? How long did they leave? Why did they leave the kids behind if the partner is a threat? Do you rent your home or own it? Are you on the deed? Do you pay the mortgage?

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Answered on 12/04/10, 2:24 pm
Glen Ashman Ashman Law Office also dba Glen Ashman Attorney

Talk to a family law/divorce attorney before you act.

Let me repeat and stress: talk to a lawyer.

(Abandonment refers to a crime - going 30 days without supporting your child, sounless you plan to leave and not support your children, that has nothing to do with leaving).

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Answered on 12/04/10, 3:46 pm

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