Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia

My wife of 12months has an issue with ex and a home they jointly purchased. the divorce decree gave her the house to sell, everyone knows how well houses are selling. she also ended up with all of the debt, including her ex's tax burdon from gambling winnings she knew nothing about. right after divorce she suffered a considerable reduction in pay, (company financial struggles) and progressively fell behind on bills. She is planning to file bankruptcy within 3 weeks, and letting the house forclose becuase she cannot afford it. Ex husband called harrasing her, threatning to haul her to court for contempt becuase she is filing bankruptcy, although he quit sending her all of the monies he agreed to give her in the divorce decree( is he in contempt first?). what should we do to protect ourselves, especially her.

Asked on 1/13/11, 6:43 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

If she is filing a bankruptcy case, obviously she should have a lawyer. She should discuss with him/her, or her divorce lawyer.

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Answered on 1/18/11, 6:49 pm
Glen Ashman Ashman Law Office also dba Glen Ashman Attorney

She needs a good bankruptcy lawyer. She will find out, to her chagrin, that if she attempts to discharge det she was required to pay in a divorce, her obligation to her ex is NON-dischargable in bankruptcy and she can be found in contempt if he pursues that.

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Answered on 1/18/11, 9:04 pm

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