Legal Question in Employment Law in Georgia
I was laid off with no noyice after I had been promoted what can I do.
I was laid off after getting a promotion and with no notice.I had a perfect record with my company and recieved no compensation for my layoff and realized that I had been fired one day before my insurance needed to be renewed. What legal course of action if any can I take.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: I was laid off with no noyice after I had been promoted what can I do.
Witht the information you have provided, it is impossible to determine whether or not you have any recourse. Generally, in Georgia, employers have the right to terminate employees, without notice, for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all, as long as it is not an illegal reason. (Illegal reasons include unlawful discrimination, retaliation, etc.) If you had an employment contract with a definite duration, you may have some recourse, or if your company laid off a large number of employees, you might have been entitled to notice of the layoff. Otherwise, there is, unfortunately, probably very little you can do.