Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Georgia
break lease agreement
I'd like to break my lease agreement, due to the fact the none of the requested repairs have been done and the crime in the complex is not conducive(sp) to the raising of my children. Is there a legal way to do this and how so?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: break lease agreement
Generally, crimes committed in the apartment complex are not grounds for properly terminating a lease. Unless the crime was at least partially caused by the apartment�s legal negligence, they are not responsible.
Whether or not you can break the lease for the failure to make repairs depends on the length of time the failure has continued. In other words, the apartment must make the requested repairs within a reasonable timeframe. What constitutes a reasonable time frame depends on the circumstances.
If you would like to discuss any issues further, please feel free to contact my office. My contact information is below. Thank you.
The foregoing is general information only, not specific legal advice. No attorney/client relation has been created or should be implied.
Glenn M. Lyon, Esq
MacGregor Lyon, LLC
Promenade II
1230 Peachtree Street NE
Suite 1900
Atlanta Georgia 30309
Phone 404.942.3545
Fax 404.795.0993