Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia

County Fails to File Notice of Appeal

I am the plaintiff in a civil action that was dismissed I choose to appeal the decision, at the time of dismissal I attempted to file a notice of appeal as georgia law requires in a timely matter but the county clerk of court refused to file my notice of appeal stating that he was directed by the judge not to accept or file any pleadings of any kind from me. Can this judge direct the clerk to do this can he deny my right to appeal the case? If the judge errored in doing this what can I do about it what can I do to get my right to appeal?

Asked on 6/08/06, 7:21 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: County Fails to File Notice of Appeal

Yes, a Judge can order that no filings be accepted from a party, usually without leave of court (in short, you need to ask permission to file from the Judge). That authority is not unlimited. Beyond that, there is no way to speculate the facts surrounding your case or the Judge's order, or how to proceed.

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Answered on 6/08/06, 7:40 pm

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