Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia


I am one of ten people listed as a defendant in a lawsuit. The plaintiff's attorney has deposed 5 of the ten defendants. Other depositions were scheduled but were cancelled by the plaintiff's attorney at the last minute.

One of the parties to the plaintiff's lawsuit acquired the depositions from her attorney. This person has now e-mailed the depositions to at least 15 people. And not all of the 15 people who received the e-mail are directly involved in the lawsuit.

So my question: Was it legal or ethical for the attorney to make the depositions available in the first place? And if so, was it legal for the individual to e-mail the depositions to various people?

Thank you!

Asked on 2/11/07, 3:21 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: deposition

You should consult your own attorney for specific questions about your case. Generally, absent a court order, deposition transcripts are not confidential and, of course, a lawyer will normally provide a copy to his/her client.

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Answered on 2/11/07, 3:44 pm

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