Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia

Do you have to devolve personal information to a supervisor when calling out?

I called out from work and stated to my supervisor that the reason was rather personal, and he demanded that I tell him what the nature of my emergency was. He stated that it is his business to know my personal business whenever I call out from work sick. Against my will and because I am still on probation I told him. I read the SOP for my department and didn't see anything in there that stated that he had the right to do that. He also stated that he had his own rules for his shift and when I asked for a copy of them he advised me that we would be seeing the Captain on Monday. I feel violated somehow and I am not sure if there some laws out there that can protect me from having to devolve my personal business in the future.

Asked on 10/25/06, 12:03 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: Do you have to devolve personal information to a supervisor when calling out?

Your supervisor asked why you missed work. Seems like a fair question. Answer it, or don't answer. Keep in mind employment in Georgia is generally "at will," and you can be fired for any reason, or no reason.

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Answered on 10/25/06, 12:15 am

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