Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia

is this legal?

is it legal to exspell a student from school for possession and distribution of a presciption drug at a school sponsered function. If no physical evidence was found

on the student and they offered

to lighten the penalties of of other studentswho were caught in posession of,or in the act of distributing drugs

Asked on 10/17/06, 2:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: is this legal?

It is safe to say that school officials have nearly complete control of school grounds. Not actually doing the act may be a defense, but that is missing from the post. School is not a court of law, and does not require the same level of proof (though I note in many cases, physical evidence is not necessary for a conviction). Anyone who does this should consider themselves fortunate that they are not arrested and charged with a crime.

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Answered on 10/17/06, 6:35 am

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