Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia

Public Defender

the court appointed me a public defender for a traffic citation. I'm currently unemployed and completed the paper work prior to court stating my financial situation the judge granted the public defender. I was charged $313 for speeding and $300 to pay the public defender is this right? Am I responsible for paying the public defender,if he was appointed by the courts?Please help I have to pay this fine no later than 11/30/2006

Asked on 11/15/06, 12:01 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: Public Defender

Public defenders are often not free, though it it much less than one would pay for a private atty. I can't comment on your specific case, except to say that whatever issue you may have with the PD should in no way be a reason to not pay your fine. If you have issues with the PD, or their bill, discuss with them.

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Answered on 11/15/06, 12:14 pm

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