Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia

Responsibility to Prospective Employer

I was sentenced to community service @ 17. I am now 24 and wonder if I am still obligated to tell this about my past when I fill out employment app's. It was for being with a friend while she stole from her job at a drug store. I did not know what was going on, but I had possesion of the stolen goods. I feel bad to have to say I had community service, but should I say it and just explain the circumstances? Thanks for your help in advance.

Asked on 1/24/06, 10:53 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: Responsibility to Prospective Employer

It is not really a legal issue, just whether you want to lie on a job application if you are asked. You have to make that call, and I can see the temptation to leave it off. However, I can tell you as an employer that if I found out you lied on a job application, I would not be inclined to believe your explanation. Moreover, I'd have more respect for someone who admitted what they did and learned from it, than someone who claimed innocence even after they served their sentence. Obviously I know nothing about you or your case, so I don't mean to point a finger toward you, but I probably would not hire someone who sounded like they had excuses. At your age, you can both face the past and have plenty of time and opportunity to move past it. Good luck.

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Answered on 1/25/06, 12:20 pm

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