Legal Question in Legal Ethics in Georgia

Does a Verbal Job Offer Mean Anything

I was recently told that I was being offered a job promotion and relocation package. In an org chart (printed) which i have a copy. IN front of my peers and a director. This is from the VP of HR and Operations. 1 week later..he gave the job to another white male in Chicago who had been promoted from this position a few months ago. 1 week after that he tells me its been given away. Since the VP announced to everyone that I have the offer and they are waiting for my the mean while he gave the job away...hence eliminating my job all together. He told me when he offered it that I eitehr took it or my job was elimianted. Now, no offer and my job will be elimianted. Do I have any rights? I am a female and minority and the VP does have issues with females already in the office.

Asked on 11/28/06, 5:10 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: Does a Verbal Job Offer Mean Anything

Under Georgia law, unless you have a contract, employment is "at will." This means that even if a job offer could possibly be construed as a binding offer (which would be unlikely), they could still terminate the person the same day. In short, there is no general "right" to a job, raise, promotion, bonus, benefits, etc. You also mention race and gender. You are also not entitled to a job, etc., just because of minority status, but if you think that you may have been denied the promotion and/or teminated BECAUSE of gender or race, you would need to run all of the facts by a lawyer.

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Answered on 11/28/06, 5:26 pm

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