Legal Question in Military Law in Georgia

Military discharge due to failing PT test

I've got almost 11 years in the US Air Force. ever since the Air Force has changed to the new PT test I've been having a problem passing. I've been told that the next time I fail the test there is a good possiblity that I will be discharged. all my preformance reports have been good, and I've never got into any trouble.

So my question is, If i get discharged (I'm assuming it'll be ''honorable'') would I be able to recieve a seperation pay or severance pay?

Asked on 11/19/07, 11:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony DeWitt Bartimus, Frickleton Robertson & Gorny, PC

Re: Military discharge due to failing PT test

The military is unlikely to pay you severance given that you are not meeting standards and the discharge is for that reason. I would urge you to see a personal trainer and give some effort to passing the test. Waiting until a week before the test isn't going to help. You need to get started now, or, barring that, you need to decide what you want to do in civilian life.

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Answered on 11/20/07, 9:54 am

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