Legal Question in Personal Injury in Georgia
auto accident
a year ago i was involved in a car acccident that involved three cars my car was the middle car my car was struck from behind and i hit the car in front of me the driver of the car that hit me was found at fault at the scene for he admitted that he was distracted by the children in the car he was driving my car was damaged and i went to my doctor who said i had whiplash so iwent to therapy for three months problem, the driver had no drivers license ihired an attorney whom just wrote me back after accepting the case almost ayear ago, saying he exhausted all resources in attempting to handle my claim he won't answer my phone calls, my insurance company paid my car repairs, also for my therapy how about my pain and suffering? the car that hit me did have insurance at the time and the driver was the boyfriend of the owner of the car,can you tell me what i can do? thank you jch [email protected]
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: auto accident
It sounds like your lawyer dropped your case. If he did, and the letter would then clearly say that, he felt for some reason the case could not be pursued. Without knowing more and seeing that letter no one could tell you why. If he did drop your case you'd be free to hire new counsel (they'd need to see that letter) if new counsel felt the case had a chance of recovery (that might be affected by what coverage there was, your prognosis, or many other reasons). Once he drops your case, he probably will not want to talk with you about it as he would not be your lawyer.
We'd be glad to look at the letter and evaluate if your case should be pursued or not. I wouldn't be able to answer further without knowing details.
In Georgia there generally is a 2 year limitation on actions, so if you let that expire, you have no case.
Glen Ashman
Re: auto accident
I would be glad to discuss your case with you. You mentioned the "at fault" driver did have insurance. Do you know the name of the insurance company? Did your prior attorney make any demand on the insurance company? Where did this accident occur?
Personal attention to personal injury victims for more than 13 years. Please give us a call.
W. James Moore
Re: auto accident
In your case, based on the facts you related, there seems to be no question of liability. Also, it seems clear that your injury is limited to soft tissue damage. For the victim, soft tissue injury can be very serious. For the insurance industry, such claims present little in terms of potential exposure on the part of their coverage or their client's assets. Unless an attorney is willing to litigate these claims, often there is little potential for a significant recovery, and that may be the reason your previous counsel has decided to "drop" your case.
There are attorneys willing to handle these type claims and if you would like an evaluation from this office, please call for a free consultation.
Jim Hough