Legal Question in Personal Injury in Georgia
auto insurance claim "low balling"
My son was in an auto accident. The other driver was cited, and now their insurance company is not giving me a satisfying amount for my I tell them I am going to sue them or what? We are not that far apart on the amount of money I want for the vehicle....I just want to be able to get back what I car was totalled.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: auto insurance claim
While the law is that the insurance company for the other driver is obligated to pay you damages (f.m.v. of cost of repair or replacement), the question you must decide is whether the difference between what you think is fair and what they are willing to pay is greater or lesser than the hassle and $$$ in terms of time it will take you to go to court. On the other hand, you can probably get them to come up some by spending the $50.00 or so to sue their insured in small claims court, even if it never goes to court.