Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Georgia
30 day move notice
I found out over the internet about a neighbor being a sex offender & then one of my house guest were assaulted. As a result of me not feeling safe, I moved out at the end of my lease. I did not provide a 30day notice since these events happened so sudden. My apartment complex insist on me paying an additional months rent since I did not give 30day notice. What legal rights do I have since I dont feel I should pay this amount?
Asked on 2/06/02, 2:48 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Hugh Wood
Wood & Meredith
Re: 30 day move notice
Apt. Complex wins. You lose. They can make you pay if they sue you. Based on the facts as you stated them, that is not a legal excuse in Georgia to not pay. HCW
Answered on 2/06/02, 3:00 pm