Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Georgia

Property adn Medicaid

My Aunt has dementia. My brother and

I have medical power of attorney.

Beefore her husband died, he had her

sign over all of her assets to him. He

then quick claim deeded her 23 acres of

land to his son. His son has agreed to

give the land back to my aunt. She is

unable to live on her own and we have

convinced her to go the Nursing Home.

She is in a swing bed in the hospital. If

the land is deeded back to her, will

Medicaid take her land? If the land is

deeded to my brother and I, can we

protect our family land?

Asked on 1/23/07, 1:39 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Cheryl Rivera Smith The Smith Law Firm

Re: Property adn Medicaid

Medicaid has a 5-year look-back period and if the land was deeded out of her within 5 years of going on Medicaid, it may be considered part of the Medicaid estate. These laws are very complicated and you should contact a local attorney for further advice.

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Answered on 1/24/07, 9:18 am

Re: Property adn Medicaid

The events that you describe will need to be further clarified and explored prior to answering your questions. You need to get an attorney involved quickly and should refrain from conducting any transactions encompassed by your questions until you do.

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Answered on 1/23/07, 1:53 pm

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