Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Georgia

property deed

i bought some property 20 years ago and wa given a deed.i never recorded and lost the deed. they will sign a new deed for me.

should i get a quickclaim deed and record it,or let a lawyer get in touch the people-- will it be cheaper for me? my property is in another county.

Asked on 2/26/07, 2:55 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Charles W. Field Charles W. Field, Attorney at Law

Re: property deed

I would strongly advise you to consult with a local real estate attorney. Since the deed wasn't recorded, all kinds of strange things may have happened to the title in 20 years. Have a short title search performed.

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Answered on 2/27/07, 3:51 pm

Re: property deed

Obtaining a properly drafted and executed deed is the most important matter. You could handle the recording yourself after that. My firm handles matters such as yours. Please contact me in the event that you want us to handle it for you.

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Answered on 2/26/07, 3:03 pm
Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: property deed

The most important matter is checking the county real estate records to make sure an interest in the property has not been conveyed to someone else in the interim. Often, that can be done pretty quickly - you can even have a title search company do it for a fee, perhaps cheaper than a lawyer. If that is the case, you will certainly want to have a real estate lawyer look into the matter. A new deed, if that is all it takes (which is a big question), is a rather simple documents but it may be worthless if someone has come along and recorded another deed before you.

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Answered on 2/26/07, 3:22 pm

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