Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Georgia

Rental Dispute

I had a water leak bust in my house, that made me acqurie a 1300.00 dollar water bill for one month. My landlord(Century 21) refused to pay that fee at that time. I did not pay Januarys' rent until they were agreeing to pay for the repairs as stated in my lease. We are now almost into March.. I have paid February, and Marchs' rental payment on time. They have still not paid that water bill so I have not given them Januarys rent yet. They are threatening to evict me for this. I know that this is not legal, and they have to get a court order... Anyhow.. I need some advice on how to handle this.

There is alot more to this story and would appreciate a phone call.

Asked on 2/26/07, 6:00 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Charles W. Field Charles W. Field, Attorney at Law

Re: Rental Dispute

Although you may have a good case, Century 21 has lots of lawyers you will be going against. Consult with a local attorney.

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Answered on 2/27/07, 3:40 pm
Glenn M. Lyon, Esq. MacGREGOR LYON, LLC, Business Attorneys

Re: Rental Dispute

You are not permitted to withhold rent as long as you are living on the property. If your landlord is responsible for repairs that are causing the high water bill, you can terminate the lease, move out and sue for the damages, in this case a high water bill.

If you would like to discuss any issues further, please feel free to contact my office. My contact information is below. Thank you.

The foregoing is general information only, not specific legal advice. No attorney/client relation has been created or should be implied.

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Answered on 3/06/07, 2:24 pm

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