Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Georgia
Rights of Shared Heir Post Probate
The probate process re: my husband's Estate transpired one year ago - no contest. The other heir involved - my stepson. I inherited the brunt of said estate. Now, one year later my stepson is threatening legal action against the Estate if I don't give him additional $$$. Does he have any further rights? If so, do I have the right to countersue for punitive damages or any other reason?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Rights of Shared Heir Post Probate
If the probate process was done properly and the step son was a legal heir who received proper notice his time may be up to contest the will. Normally heirs of an estate have 10 days to file an objection once they have been served. However, other factors such as fraud, or improper service can extend the step son's time to file a caveat. If he could file a caveat you could consider a years support petition.