Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Illinois

Contract Modified, Presented in Law Suit

If a contract is modified (prices for advertising), then that contract presented in a law suit, can it be deemed Null & Void, and no monies due for outrstanding balance?

Asked on 1/11/04, 10:28 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kenneth J. Ashman Ashman Law Offices, LLC

Re: Contract Modified, Presented in Law Suit

Unfortunately, it is impossible to say without reading the terms of the original contract and any written modification thereof. If the claimed modification was oral, then a review of the written contract would need to be made to see whether oral modifications were barred.

If you like, please feel free to contact my office for a review of the contract, which we would provide for a fee, and advice as to your legal rights and potential defense of a suit brought against you.

-- Kenneth J. Ashman;;

The information provided by Ashman Law Offices, LLC (�ALO�) is for general educational purposes only. No attorney-client relationship is established by this communication and no privilege attaches to such communication. ALO is not taking and will not take any action on your behalf and will not be considered your attorney until both you and ALO have signed a written retention agreement. There are strict deadlines, called statutes of limitation, within which claims or lawsuits must be filed. Therefore, if you desire the services of an attorney and decide not to retain ALO on terms acceptable to ALO, you should immediately seek the services of another attorney.

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Answered on 1/11/04, 10:45 pm

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