Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois

cyber sex

If 2 people representing themselves as adults ( in their 30's or 40's ), engage in cyber sex along with trading explicit photos of themselves, were any laws broken? Both parties asked the others age, and both were way over 18. If one party lied about their age, did you still KNOWINGLY commit a crime? You assumed the other party was of legal age because thats what you were told. Also, the photos received from this person were obviously of an adult.

If trouble was imminent, would it be safe to assume that after a few months have gone by, that your off the hook?

Asked on 4/02/07, 11:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter LaSorsa The Law Offices of Peter M. LaSorsa, P.C.

Re: cyber sex

That is a tricky area. How did you find out the person was not 18? I suggest you save as much of the correspondence as possible for a defense.

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Answered on 4/03/07, 10:40 am

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