Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois

i was driving in chicago when we stopped to get some food. the gentleman i was with was black. while i was waiting on him to get some food CPD asked me to move my car back from the corner. i had just bought the car the day before and it had temp plates on. so the gentleman came back to the car with a beef sandwich and 40 oz of beer. i pulled away from the corner and the officer got behind me and hit the lights and the sirens. the street we were on was busy so i pulled off on a side street about half a block down. the officer was upset i didnt pull over right away, he asked were i learned to drive and i explained i wasnt comfortable pullung over on the busy street. the officer and his partner approached the vehicle., his partner ordered the passenger out of the car, then the other officer ordered me out of the car. they brought us to the rear of the vehicle(95 camaro) and proceeded to search us. they kept asking us were the drugs were and we told him there werent any. so they uncuffed us and split us up and the officer then told me he wouldnt tow my car if i told him were the drugs are. i debated for a bit and told him i had a dimebag of herion in my wallet. the officer went to find my wallet and couldnt so he asked me were it was. i told him in the cubby hole under the radio. so they arrested me and took me to holding. they charged me with no seatbelt, no license and no insurance even tho the officer never asked me for these. i was also charged with a possesion of controlled first felony. i asked the officer if the beer had anything to do with us being stopped and he said no. so i was suppose to go to holiday court the next day but they didnt send the traffic charges with the possesion charge. so i had to spend christmas in jail because of there error. so i went to court on the 26th and the judge set bond at 5000 cash or bond. so i bonded out on the 28th and went to court on the 11th. i was 45 mins late but the judge retracted the warrant she issued. but she told me if i can afford to bond i can get a lawyer which isnt the caSE. i am on disability and make 1065 a month. my name is jason and any advice would be great


Asked on 1/15/11, 11:45 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Sal Sheikh


You will definitely need an attorney for this.

Felony charges are serious and have lifelong consequences.

Feel free to contact me to discuss.

Because of your limited resources we may be able to work out a payment plan. My rates are reasonable.

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Answered on 1/20/11, 12:29 pm
Andrew Pavlinski Pavlinski & Elkins


I cannot agree more with my colleague. You need an attorney to represent you in this matter. As Sal said many attorneys will make arrangements for a payment plan. It is also possible for you to use your bond to pay your attorney. If you have any questions, I am sure Sal or I would be happy to answer them.

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Answered on 1/20/11, 6:12 pm

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