Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois

paraphenelia charge

i was arrested after seeing a k-9 drug search sign on a freeway, i got off the freeway and was pulled over for not using a turn signal, they brought out a dog and the dog got a hit on my car, they seacrhed it and found some marijuana and a pipe, i was just charge with paraphenilia and not a posession ticket. my only questions are a.) there actually was no drug search after the sign on the freeway said there was one 1/2 mile up, do i have any sort of claim here since there wasn't a search? and b.) i have two possesion on a university ground tickets in a DIFFERENT state, will these affect this ticket, or will this just be a simple citation, do you think i should hire an attorney to represent me or should i be fine going and pleading no contest?

Asked on 4/03/07, 8:11 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Rosenblat Michael C. Rosenblat., P.C.

Re: paraphenelia charge

I concur with Mr. Zuganelis's reply. If you ticket was in Lake or Cook Counties, please feel free to call if you would like to discuss.

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Answered on 4/04/07, 2:54 pm
Kelly Bennett Bennett Law Offices

Re: paraphenelia charge

You should retain an attorney asap. For a felonly charge, an attorney will put on a preliminary hearing to attempt to have the matter dismissed. Otherwise, a motion to suppress evidence based upon the Fourth Amendment should be brought.

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Answered on 4/04/07, 9:50 am
George Zuganelis Zuganelis & Zuganelis, Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Re: paraphenelia charge

The crime of possession of drug paraphernalia is a Class A misdomeanor, not a felony. The sentence that could be imposed is a term of imprisionment up to 365 days and a manditory minimum fine of $750.00. If you wish to check this out, please look at 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes Sec. 600/3.5. Also, there is no such thing as a plea of "no contest" in Illinois. You better hire a lawyer ASAP. Please call for a free consultation.

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Answered on 4/04/07, 11:03 am

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