Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois

Testing positive on valid prescription?

I tested positive on a urine test for a medication that i had a valid prescription for. The problem is the prescription expired 9 days before the urine test (schedule 4 medication is good for 6 months after the prescription is written). The medication i was taking is clonazapam and it has a half life of 50 hours. It takes approximately 4-6 weeks to get out of your system. So even if my prescription expired when i took the urine test i had a valid prescription the day i took my last dose. Did i break any laws? Can i still get in trouble?

Asked on 1/20/09, 2:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Shestokas Shestokas, & Associates

Re: Testing positive on valid prescription?

You failed to mention why you took the test. Was it court ordered or job related or part of a police investigation? The reason for the test makes a great deal of difference. The fact that you had a proper prescription means that it is unlikely that you broke any laws. Feel free to call if you would like. Our phone number is on our website.

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Answered on 1/20/09, 8:37 pm

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