Legal Question in Criminal Law in Illinois

Will I be charged for traveling with my delinquent son without a permit?

My 14 year old son is on court supervision and facing a techical violation of such for being suspended from school. His probation/supervision officer is not yet aware of this suspension but has informed our family that if he is in violation of his supervision in any way, she will not authorise his travel permit to attend a family reunion out of state over the Easter holiday. The entire family is attending this event, leaving no one available locally to supervise my son in my absense. I rented a condo several months ago and this money is now non refundable. My son is aware that attending the reunion without a permit will be considered a violation of his supervision and he is comfortable with this. I am concerned with the legal ramifications I myself could face if I take him-I work with children and an arrest could cost me my job. If I take my son out of state on vacation without a permit being authorised, will I be charged with contributing the delinquency of a minor or some other violation?

Asked on 3/18/07, 2:25 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

George Zuganelis Zuganelis & Zuganelis, Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Re: Will I be charged for traveling with my delinquent son without a permit?

The solution you may be looking for is to get a court order approving the travel. The probation officer cannot disobey a court order. Please consult an attorney.

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Answered on 3/19/07, 1:23 pm
Peter LaSorsa The Law Offices of Peter M. LaSorsa, P.C.

Re: Will I be charged for traveling with my delinquent son without a permit?

You could be and your son need to realize there are consequences to his actions and one of them is he has to miss the reunion and you may have to also..........sounds like he wants to keep digging himself into a bigger hole, he should start to respect the law and court orders, you both should.

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Answered on 3/18/07, 6:01 pm

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