i was convicted of a second d.u.i in chicago and was given 750 hours of community service with 3 years probation. also rehab classes. now i finished my rehab classes which were almost 50 hours. and im still seeing my probation officer every month and i havent violated it. i only did 76 hours of community service. im a single mother that is living off of unemployment now. which all goes to rent. I rarely can get a babysitter who i can trust. is there anything i can do to lower those hours or cut them completely? I get sooo nervous when i cant go. please help.
Asked on 8/14/10, 7:18 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Charles Dobra
Charles Wm. Dobra, Ltd.
It would appear at first blush that 750 hours of community service is excessive. The attorney who represented you should file a motion to amend the sentencing order.
Answered on 8/20/10, 10:11 am