Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

College expenses

I am divorced.My ex has substantially more money than I and is insistiing my son go to an expensive school.When I agreed to my divorce decree,I didn't intend it to mean 15 or 20,000 dollars.I don't have it.Most all of the people I know send their kids to community colleges first and then finish at a 4 year school,with the child helping.{divorce states 1/3 each}Do I have a say in this or do I have to do what she wants?Also,she is paying their {2 sons} share to so this makes me look like the bad guy.But I'm not.I have never missed child support in my life,but I don't have this kind of money.

Asked on 4/30/05, 5:58 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Zedrick Braden III Ainsworth & Associates PC

Re: College expenses

Hello. It is important that you review your divorce decree. In Illinois the law usually says

that each parent is obligated to support their

son or daughter for college based upon their ability to pay at the time the son or daughter is

ready to enter college. Do not worry about whether you look like the bad guy when you have

been prompt with your child support. All of this

should be handled in court. Be careful about

entering into any outside agreements with your

ex-spouse on this issue, until you consult a lawyer. I will be happy to answer any additional

questions that you might have.

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Answered on 5/01/05, 5:18 pm

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