Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois
How do I get my daughter back as a tax decuction?
At the time of divorce I gave my husband one of our daughters as a tax deduction because he was paying $1000 amonth for child support. Things have change he is now paying the bare mimmium of $52 a week because he has changed jobs and he does not want to pay for them, he looks that then as if they were a bill, he has no contact with them. So I want to able to get my daughter back as a deduction to be able to make up for some of the lose.I asked his lawyer,she thought it was very reisable, but he would not agree.So what do I need to do to get her back?Thank you for your time.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: How do I get my daughter back as a tax decuction?
Hello. You need to file
a motion in court requesting
that you be allowed to take
the deduction because of the
change in circumstances with
regard to your ex-husband's