Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois
divorce agreement was my ex pays half and and I pay half of daycare. ex was in a year of extreme low salary compared to before and right after, so 20% child support was low and wasn't really 20% of what he has been making since shortly after. We had a friend like relationship and he agreed to pay full day care in turn for me not to ask for a child support increase to 20% of his current wages. I paid daycare sometimes too, but he voluntarily and agreeingly paid it the others. A few months ago, about 3-4 years later, he asks me to start paying my half.. to which I am and have been since. Now I just found out through my lawyer that he's trying to get pay back for day care. He has no proof of what he paid vs what I paid. It was volunatarily paid either way and no signed agreement that I would have to pay him back. Without knowing who paid what, and no proof of paying, what are the chances I will actually have to reimburse any past day care to him?
1 Answer from Attorneys
That's an excellent question - that you should ask your attorney.