Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois
filing court Documents
When filling out a petition to modify child support thats currently an active case, should I be the Petitioner or respondent?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: filing court Documents
Are you seriously asking whether, when you are filing something called a PETITION, whether you are the PETITIONer? I can assure you that you will not be RESPONDing to the petition.
Re: filing court Documents
Where you the petition or respondent in the original proceeding? If you were Petitioner in the original action and you are seeking a modification for a prior judgment/order, then you are still the Petitioner. Similarly, if you were the Respondent, then you're still the Respondent. You are the also known as the "movant" since you're "moving" the court for some relief.
Email me for any further help.
Amil Alkass