Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

Husband left leaving a note

My husband & I have been married for 2 years & have a 16 month old son. He was kicked out of the military on 30 November & has signed up for unemployment. He is supposed to apply for 5 jobs a week. Against my will, we had to move in with his mother in her dirty house. He sits around & does nothing & has not been applying for work. I have been getting stressed out & he has been getting verbally abusive. I am nervous about him taking the unemployment money without applying for work. He thinks I am over-reacting. He started yelling at me on our 2nd anniversary & then raised his hand to hit me, but punched a hole in a cabinet instead. I took our son & left to protect us, but I told him where I was going. I tried to call to come back that night & the next morning but he refused to answer my calls. Then I got a call from his cousin saying he left for Arkansas. He has changed our mailing address from there & never said good bye to his son or me. Hurtful things are being said about me & my parents. I am getting hurt emotionally, but more than that I want to protect me & my child & people are telling me I should file for divorce, but I don't know what is best, how to afford it, where to find a good lawyer, what rights I have with our son.

Asked on 2/19/05, 1:55 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kevin Plachta The Law Office of Kevin F. Plachta

Re: Husband left leaving a note

You need to speak with an attorney ASAP. There are several agencies that might be able to help you locate who can advise you. Start calling around and find an attorney who you are comfortable with and one who you can afford.

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Answered on 2/25/05, 9:46 pm

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