Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

Moving Mother

My ex girlfriend and I have joint custody of our 7 mo. old son. She has primary custody. I have secondary. She wants to move with my son to South Carolina with our son and her current boyfriend of 3 mo. because he accepted a occupation there. She is in the same field. My problem with this is that I will hardly ever get to see my son. I currently get him every Wed. and every weekend. My question is, is there anything that I can do to prevent my son from moving away from me? Or is there anyway that I can still see my son on a normal basis if she does move away with him?

Asked on 4/27/05, 6:54 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kevin Plachta The Law Office of Kevin F. Plachta

Re: Moving Mother

In most situations the court will allow the custodial parent to move out of state for employment purposes. If I were you I would retain an attorney to file a petition on your behalf so that a visitation scheduled can be ordered or the old one revised.

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Answered on 4/28/05, 4:50 pm

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