Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

My ex and I have not paid child support for the past 6 years, however I just got served with papers regards because my ex is petitioning for child support. This comes to me because my ex has just lost their job, and has little to no income. Could I counter sue of off this for custody change? Because Illinois law states that custody change can happen if there is significant household change would constitute change in custody, so would this be enough for a case?

Asked on 9/21/15, 10:01 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Shimberg Shimberg and Crohn, P.C.

You are wrong that Illinois law says that a change in income constitutes a significant change which would form a basis for change in custody. Filing a motion to change in retaliation to a motion for child support is not looked with favor by courts.

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Answered on 9/21/15, 10:17 am

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