Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois

Parent alienation

A male friend (kind,upstanding,honest) who has been divorced for approx. 8 years has mentioned how his ex ''brainwashes'' his kids minds against normalcy, including him. They are interrogated by mom(custodial parent)upon arriving home after visits (when allowed) and punished,or manipulated into thinking they've done something wrong if they've enjoyed any time with their father. Have been told for years that it is unacceptable for dad to have anyone(friends, family or other)in his life as this proves that he does not love them or care about them. Tells them their father's family isn't really their family,''you're nothing to them''(not the case). The kids are always mysteriously unavailable for his b-day or holidays. She will not take them to scheduled activities, doctor visits, dentist or school activities(he does). He loves his kids more than anything, but always fears losing the very fragile relationship he does have. He doesn't think there are any options available. What kind of help is recommended for this type of situation?

~a saddened friend

Asked on 5/11/05, 5:32 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Zedrick Braden III Ainsworth & Associates PC

Re: Parent alienation

Hello. Your friend should take immediate action

by going to court to have "mom" held in contempt

of court. Mom is doing a great amount of harm

to these children. There are too many court

remedies for your friend to tolerate this

crap! I will be happy to answer any additional

questions that you might have.

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Answered on 5/11/05, 10:21 pm
George Zuganelis Zuganelis & Zuganelis, Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Re: Parent alienation

I am sure that in the judgment for dissolution of marriage (divorce decree) there is a provision for visitation and that neither parent talk against the other. She has been in contempt of court for violating these provisions. He should take her back to court and have the judge either straighten her out, or punish her. If this is really out of control, he may be able to gain custody of the children. On the practicle side, the children will grow to resent their mother for doing this. George M. Zuganelis


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Answered on 5/12/05, 5:32 am
Kevin Plachta The Law Office of Kevin F. Plachta

Re: Parent alienation

While I agree that the court has jurisdiction to handle matters of this sort I believe that the only real help can come from professional counseling. The court can order the counseling and that the mother take part in the counseling.

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Answered on 5/12/05, 5:52 am

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