Legal Question in Family Law in Illinois
step parents custody rights
my son has visatation rights to his bio son, bio mother has main custody, he gets son about 3 months thru the yr. mother married man, who for 6 yrs has been step parent, they arew separating & may divorce. they have a bio son of their own. If they separate does step dad have any rights to my grandson? If they divorce? Does my son need to petition court to stop any visits by ex step dad? The step dad has been married about 6 yrs. grandson is 9 yrs.
thank you
Asked on 8/11/07, 3:43 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
George Zuganelis
Zuganelis & Zuganelis, Attorneys at Law, P.C.
Re: step parents custody rights
Step dad has no custodial rights to step son upon divorce, except in the most extreme circumstances. Those usually are circumstances where the step child would be put in danger in the custody of biological parents.
Answered on 8/12/07, 11:16 am