Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Illinois

Automotive Repair Negligence

my Porsche was involved in an accident 1 yr ago. the repair was estimated at 5K ended up being 36K with me spending more $ to continue fixing it. Hoping I would have a decent car. The engine was damaged an so I agreed to 20% betterment. I would be getting a newer engine so I paid the extra 20%. The car was in and out of the Porsche dealership (only 1 around) for the same issues. I would start and then end up in a puddle of oil. It has had the same thing happen over and over again. The dealership continues to say that it will be fixed, but when???? I am not sure of what to do, no other dealership will work on it since it is warranty work. These repairs have been going on since Feb 2001. How many times can a car be fixed for the same issues? What legal action do I have? Insurance company paided their part now I have to wait and pray that they fix it correctly for the 4th time? Please help I am very tired of not getting the work done properly.

Asked on 2/23/02, 2:59 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael R. Nack Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law

Re: Automotive Repair Negligence

You might ask the dealer if Porsche has an arbitration procedure, like the one offered by the Better Business Bureua's Auto Hot Line. Or, you might consider calling the BBB. Another avenue of relief might be to report the matter to a local t.v. station with a consumer watch program. Sometimes the very threat of adverse publicity will bring results. Finally, you might consult with an attorney in your area to see if Illinois has a "Lemon Law" or other stature governing unrepairable problems such as the one you describe. I would need to do some legal research to be able to give you any specific legal advice, but there are certainly other attorneys who must have experience in this field. If you do not know one, contact your local bar association or the state bar association for a referral. Good luck.

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Answered on 2/24/02, 1:03 am

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