Legal Question in Immigration Law in Illinois


I need immigration help regarding my filing for permanent residency. I got married to my girlfriend few weeks back and I just got to know that she had been to jail couple of times for different reasons. Also she had not filed her tax returns for 2008 because she didnt work. I have listed below her charges.

In 2005 in new orleans LA, she and her ex-husband had an argument , he ended up breaking a window and refused to leave her house to cool down, so she did end up calling the police so they could just tell him to leave for awhile, but when the police arrived her ex wasnt co-operating and he pissed the police off and they put him in handcuffs so then she got upset and told them not to take him to jail cuz he didnt do anything. Well the police officer called his sergent to see if he could just let it go and his sergeant refused he said just lock them both up. So they both went to jail for 72hrs and went in front of the judge and he said case dismissed.

Oct 2009 in Clearwater, Fl. was charged with a d.u.i. for refusal to do a breathalizer, was arrested and held for 72 hrs released on bail, went to court plead not guilty and was found not guilty by a jury of peers.

I havent filed the application yet. But I was wondering if these are going to be issues during processing of my application. Please advise. I am willing to hire your services. Please let me know your fees.

Asked on 11/03/10, 9:49 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Dianne Brooks The Mandel Law Firm


Yes these issues will come up during your application and later in your interview. You also need to make sure that you have sufficient income to provide for both you and your wife. This is a situation in which you most definitely need the help of an experienced immigration attorney.

I am not located in Illinois but I do have clients all over the country who I can do filings for. Give me a call at (646) 430 9384 x101, if you would be interested in letting me help you file your case.

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Answered on 11/08/10, 9:55 am
Janet Greathouse Greathouse Law Firm

Congratulations on your marriage. Generally, when there are arrest/conviction records, you would need to be concerned with what are called "crimes involving moral turpitude." If your new wife were ever determined to have committed a crime involving moral turpitude, she would be found "inadmissible," and thus not allowed to become a permanent resident without first obtaining a waiver.

If both cases were dismissed, they will likely not become issues. However, both will need to be addressed thoroughly before filing your petition. The reason is that you need to be sure that you have all the proper documentation, and explanation for what occurred. If you are interested in my services, and would like to know my fees, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Good luck!

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Answered on 11/08/10, 9:59 am

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