Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Illinois
1) I moved into an apartment/signed a 6 month lease. Never got a copy of it.
2) I had a package sent to the new address
3) The landlord signed for my package
4) He (landlord) entered my apartment
5) He opened my package and left it in the apartment
6) I gave him a 30-day notice and moved out
7) Is there any way that I can sue him for the $1,300 I spent to move into his apartment.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Even if you didn't get a copy of the lease, your agreement was for 6 months and unless you deny it, you would owe 6 months of rent. The landlord first did you a favor by signing for the package, but opening it was not legal if it was addressed to you. If it was delivered by US mail service, this is a federal offense. Unless the lease gave you the right to move out on 30 days' notice, you may have had no right to terminate solely because of the landlord's conduct in opening the package. More information would be required to determine whether you have any right of recovery and this would involve a visit with an attorney.