Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Illinois

I own a house in Illinois. I am the only person on the deed. My boyfriend moved in with me several years ago. We have since broken up and I let him stay in my basement because I was trying to be nice. Now I want him to leave and he says he's not going to move out. He does give me money like he used to and I take care of all the bills including his seperate ones. I am also working so we pool the money. Although he is now giving me less and makes it uncomfortable for me to ask for it. I also do all the grocery shopping and he makes me a list of food which I buy for him.

It has become very uncomfortable having him here both for me and my children. (Not his kids) He drinks every night to excess. He gets angry easily so we must walk on eggshells. Do I need to treat this as a no-lease landlord- tenent situation or can I tell him to get out and call the police if he wont leave? There was never a specific oral agreement and there is no written agreement. I dont want to make him angry and provoke him into violence but it would not be difficult. My children should not have to live this way. Help...

Asked on 4/18/12, 4:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

See a local attorney who can help monitor this situation with you. I can not begin to explain the risks, but it is most likely a situation where you may have to evict him. My concern is your suggestion he might be provoked. The attorney can help you better assess an appropriate strategy that will protect you and your children.

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Answered on 4/18/12, 7:23 pm

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