Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Illinois

Good Afternoon,

I live as a tenant in my friend house that has been incarcerated and currently is in jail, he wants me to help him pay his property taxes by accession his bank account. I went to his bank and I was given a durable power of attorney but he received a letter saying that someone has bought the taxes from the house. How can I paid his taxes if someone else have bought the property taxes?; What else do I need?; What should I be aware before signing such document?

Asked on 9/16/14, 2:49 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Henry Repay Law Offices of Henry Repay

The taxes can be paid during the next couple years. The balance will include penalties and interest. Generally, the tax redemption is done at the County Clerk's office, rather than the County Treasurer's office.

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Answered on 9/16/14, 3:35 pm

I agree w/ Mr. Repay - there is a redemption process depending on what year taxes you're talking about. However, you could be getting yourself into a rat's nest. Not only is preparing a POA somewhat tricky, but also once you sign a POA you become a 'fiduciary' for your friend and could open yourself up to liability if you make a misstep, or even if you do everything correctly but your "friend" decides you've done something wrong. Since your friend is in jail, and we have no idea why, I would be very wary. Moreover, you would have to make arrangements with the jail because signing a POA requires a notary and witness. My recommendation is to steer clear because if anything goes wrong, not only could you become liable, but you could lose a friend. My further recommendation is to have a property tax attorney get involved, figure out what taxes are owed and how to redeem them, and then have them work with you to get everything done, IF your friend agrees. If your friend does NOT agree to such an arrangement, I would be even MORE wary, because then the "friend" is asking you to give up your own protection. Finally, if your friend will be released shortly, then maybe this should be your friend's problem on release, but without knowing if any critical dates for redemption may be coming up, there is no way to tell.

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Answered on 9/17/14, 7:27 am

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