Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Illinois
Living in one state and being paid in another
My company has asked me to move from IL to GA on a permanent basis. I have been consulting to a client in GA for the past 3 years, living in a hotel for 2 years and then an apartment. I typically travel to Atlanta on Monday and return home on Thursday. I own a home in IL and that is my address for tax with holding, etc. I pay property taxes on a ''homestead'' basis in IL, and receive a property tax cxredit on my IL State Income Tax. The company is now demanding that I provide a permanent address in GA (even before I actually relocate to GA) and have taxes with held in GA instead of IL. I plan to sell my current home and move to GA, however, with the current market conditions, the home may not sell for a considerable period of time. I know that I will lose the IL property tax credit this year($700) if my State taxes are with held in GA. Do I also run the risk of losing my homestead exemption?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Living in one state and being paid in another
Great question. I dont know the answer. If someone does answer this one for you, please send me a copy of the answer. You might try contacting the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Good luck