Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Illinois
How much am I entitled to receive?
My grandmother passed away recently in the state of Illinois. She had a life insurance plan which was for $50,000. My mother was listed as the main beneficiary and was to receive $37,000. My sister and I were listed also as beneficiaries and we were to receive $6,500 each.
My Grandmother also had a will, in her will she stated that my sister and I were to receive $5000 each, and my mother was to receive everything else.
My question is, How much money am I legally entitled to?
Is it the $5000 from the will?
Is it the $6500 from the insurance policy?
Or is it $11,500 for both of them?
Asked on 7/01/08, 8:58 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Jeffrey R. Gottlieb
Law Offices of Jeffrey R. Gottlieb, LLC
Re: How much am I entitled to receive?
From the way you describe the set of facts, it would be both for a total of $11,500.
Answered on 7/01/08, 9:41 pm