Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Illinois


husband had will with ex, divorce states she is voided out all the way and he remarries, are his grown children still entitled to what the original will stated with his previous wife? that was only will signed in 1984 in illinois. did not get a new one

Asked on 7/25/07, 9:24 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

George Zuganelis Zuganelis & Zuganelis, Attorneys at Law, P.C.

Re: Wills

The children are always heirs to the decease's estate. The divorce decree means nothing if there isn't a new will drafted. It is imparative that a new will be drafted immediately if the person is still alive. Go see a lawyer immediately, otherwise his ex will inherit. If you are the current spouse and your spouse is already deceased,you will be able to renounce the will, but you will only get a small portion of the estate. In either case you need a lawyer.

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Answered on 7/26/07, 10:45 am

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