Legal Question in Workers Comp in Illinois


broke my hand 12/08...saw dr. and specialist...did cortizone injections and then surgery end of 3/09 but my hand is still numb - now on TTD since surgery date and due to go back to work 4/27/09 - my ? is after returning to work, if I quit before the injury settlement, will I have any problems?

Asked on 4/18/09, 11:30 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

John Wunsch Law Offices John C. Wunsch, P.C.

Re: worker'scomp

Dear Sirs:

I would not recommend leaving your job particularly in this economy.

We would be interested in speaking you with regarding representing your interests in your workmen's compensation case.

Please call our office should you wish to discuss.

Many thanks,

Law Offices


[email protected]

(312) 977--9900

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Answered on 4/20/09, 1:54 pm
Matt Belcher Belcher Law Office

Re: worker'scomp

You are NOT required to be working at the same employer to receive a settlement.

The day of accident is the important date.

However, you need to be careful if you are unable to return to your old job BECAUSE of the accident.

You may be entitled to additional benefits if you have permanent restrictions (vocational training, wage differential, etc.).

So if you have any permanent restrictions you would be well served to have legal counsel.

Good luck,

Matt Belcher

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Answered on 4/18/09, 11:36 am

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