Legal Question in Appeals and Writs in India

what is the meaning of the word writ petition, Appeal, show cause notice?

Asked on 11/20/09, 5:24 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Seshadri Srinivasan

Writ Petition, Appeal and Show cause notice all indicate legal proceedings.

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Answered on 11/20/09, 7:23 am
Srinivas Patnaik M/s Srinivas Patnaik

Under the Constitution of India , writs are issued by both by the Supreme Court ( Art 32 ) and High Court (Art 226) . With reference to writ Petitions there are different writs i.e habeas corpus, mandamus , prohibition , certiorari and quo warranto are issued in different situations . Writ are basically issued against any person covered under Article 12 of the constitution and it is not issued against any private person .

Appeal means where under different Act where an orginal order is challanged before an Appellatte authority is known as appeal .

Show cause Notice - Where any wrong is comitted a Notice is given to explaint the charges framed against him .

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Answered on 11/20/09, 10:29 am

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